Monday, May 9, 2016

To my 10 year old son

Oh, how fast time goes.

At times, there are days I can't wait for bedtime.  But, more often than not, I want more time in each day.  More time to play and laugh and learn with you.  I am so grateful for who you are.

How can you be 10?  Big sigh.  Happiness mixed with a little fear --fear that I am not holding on tight enough...and, fear that I am holding on too tight.

I think you were 5 or 6 when we went to Chicago (it is important to note that you were already an avid reader) and there was a homeless man with a sign asking for "just $5".  You turned to us and asked us for $5 to give to him.  We did.  You did and looked him in the eye.  He smiled and told you thank you, looking right back at you.  Then, we saw another homeless person and you asked us again ; and, seeing the possible pattern, we told you we could not help everyone and halted your compassionate pleas.  We have grown in our understanding of God's word and in our faith since that time (all of us); and, I still wonder "what if...?"  What if we had kept giving you money until we ran out?  What if we had shown you that day what it is like to share all of our blessings with those less fortunate?  I still pray for another opportunity and that I will make the more courageous choice next time.  Because doing the right thing takes courage.  I have witnessed your courage.

I am proud of you for performing in your first play.  I have a feeling it will not be your last. After a couple of classes at the learning theatre, I asked you how it was going and you told me, "I am just happy I get to act!"  Good enough for me.  Your teacher/director enjoyed working with you also and told me that "you have a really mature sense of wit."  I agree.

I am most proud of you for choosing to be baptized by Pastor John on Easter Sunday.  I was worried that you weren't ready or were just trying to fit in.  But, I am grateful that after praying about it, God revealed to us that it was time for you.  At your baptism I told our church that we have been cultivating a growing independence from us and a growing dependence on God.  You also had something to say-a mini sermon, if you will.  Our church is still talking about it.

It was recorded and I wrote it down, verbatim:

"When I was in bed I was thinking about an article that I read in a magazine.  It wasn't actually very important.  It was, "Think Like a Gamer".  And I saw something and I thought that there were two things that we face every day.  Every day, we battle with the devil.  And those two things that were the main things that the devil uses to attack you are problems and pleasures.  The devil has many other weapons that it will try to attack you with, including:  hate, anger, grief and sadness, and fear.  But, if you resist him and use God's armor, you can help defeat him.  And every time you defeat one, your armor gets stronger instead of weakening it."

You are amazing.  And, I love you dearly.  I look forward to more laughter, play and learning with you!




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