To my darling Greta...at four years and five-ish months.
You call McDonald's "Old MacDonald's" and you refer to beer as "beard".
I just love the way you talk and all your expressions and the way you make up stories and songs. And you always begin your stories with, "Once utom a pine."
Whenever Estella is upset, you still sing to her, "Estella Plum. Estella Plum. Tell me what you say. I love you. You love me. Mort. And mort each day."
You point out the letter “G” everywhere we go. You are getting so good with your letters and are beginning to recognize the sound each letter makes.
Your first day of preschool was September 5, 2017. You walked right into that classroom and never looked back.
We took a trip to Kauai, Hawaii this past September and it was, perhaps, the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I think you liked it a lot, too because you keep asking when we can go back. Maybe in ten years? We'll see.
You went to a hula birthday party and you love to dance the hula...and you do it in such an elegant way that I feel like we should maybe just move to Hawaii and you can learn the art of hula.
You wanted to ride the carousel at Brookfield Zoo and decided, for the first time, to go on one that goes up and down (instead of the bench). You were so proud of yourself. This was, I think, your third time ever being on a carousel.
You asked Santa for a "hoowa hoop" for Christmas. You requested a dollhouse from us.
You are certain that every time we go out in the snow, that means you get hot cocoa with marshmallows when we get inside. (You're usually not wrong)